All is water: Wastewater reuse in Barbados

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All is water is a communication strategy born under the National Water Reuse Policy 2018 that aims to achieve a greater understanding of the value of water through a comprehensive public awareness campaign, focusing on the importance of water and wastewater management to improve awareness of water reclamation and reuse by the Ministry of Environment, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Health, other stakeholders and the general public. 

National Education Campaign on Integrated Water and Wastewater Management to Address the Water Crisis

The strategy was developed by local public relations firm PRMR Inc. under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) GEF CReW+ Project, which is being implemented in Barbados by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS) in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) of the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy.

The National Communication Strategy for Integrated Water and Wastewater Management is expected to play a crucial role in promoting public acceptance of the measures to be implemented through Barbados' new Water Reuse Act.

Reclaimed water, also known as recycled or treated wastewater, represents a key solution to the Caribbean nation's current water challenges. This approach conserves potable water for human consumption, which in turn can help mitigate the impact of water scarcity on the island.

Public education is crucial to dispel misconceptions about reclaimed water. Communities and individuals need to be informed about the rigorous treatment processes that ensure its safety and the many benefits it offers. Raising awareness can foster greater acceptance of reclaimed water and its role in addressing Barbados' water challenges.

Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management

With proactive action and commitment, Barbados can transform the current plight of water scarcity into an opportunity to strengthen its future. By addressing water challenges with determination and innovative solutions, the country can not only overcome its current difficulties, but also lay the foundation for a more prosperous and sustainable tomorrow. This approach will not only benefit present generations, but will also leave a positive legacy for future generations, ensuring a more secure and sustainable water supply for all.

"From the Americas Water Program we consider this campaign to be a leading model to apply in other places facing similar challenges. Its comprehensive and inclusive approach, as well as its emphasis on public education can serve as an example to promote sustainable water and wastewater management in different contexts, thus contributing to the improvement of water security at the regional level."

Andrés Sánchez, Manager of the Water Program of the Americas, Department of Sustainable Development of the GS/OAS Executive Secretariat for Integral Development.

The GS/OAS Americas Water Program supports Member States in their efforts to improve the management, conservation and sustainable use of surface and groundwater resources by promoting social and economic growth in these regions. Specific actions include promoting water governance; assisting in the development of policies, laws and regulations for integrated water resources management; capacity building in regional, national and local institutions; and supporting information exchange through specialized water resources networks.