In the course of GEF CReW+, adjustments to the legislative, policy and regulatory frameworks for IWRM will be achieved in a minimum of nine countries. The application of the concept of circular economy will lead to better management of the life cycle of water, which will translate into greater efficiency in its supply. The foregoing guarantees the protection of resources, as well as an adequate treatment of wastewater and its reuse.
Through training in local communities, GEF CReW+ will enable the sustainable implementation and maintenance of technical and financial solutions, as well as a better understanding of their benefits. These measures will not only contribute to a considerable improvement in the health situation of rural and peri-urban communities, but will also strengthen their resilience to the effects of droughts and, more generally, to the consequences of climate change and climate variability in the water sector.
The project´s emphasis on establishing an integrated regional knowledge management will improve the access to an elaborate information sharing mechanism, including valuable practical experiences and lessons learned, as well as an enhanced capacity to transfer and replicate successful actions with GEF and its partners at local, national and regional level.