
Block 1

February, March, April 2021

Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)

February 24th 2021

This webinar aims to bridge the gap between the conservation of wetlands and their use in the water and sanitation sector, highlighting the value of wetland ecosystem services as well as the proper management of wastewater.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
WORLD WOMENS DAY: Her Money. Gender lens investing

March 8th 2021

In recent years, growing global investment flows for gender equality have bypassed Latin America. This is where this webinar comes into play with the aim of outlining the concept of the gender perspective or gender smart investment in Latin America.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
Ingenous WaSH Wisdoms I

March 17th 2021

Indigenous peoples are often at a disadvantage when carrying out water and sanitation projects in Latin America. The objective of this webinar is not only to expose the negative consequences of overlooking indigenous needs and knowledge, but rather to highlight the water and sanitation solutions that communities have developed.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
Climate Resilience of Wastewater Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

March 22nd 2021

Facing the challenges that natural hazards, exacerbated by climate change, pose to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and especially their water resources, it is essential to develop public awareness of the situation and to learn about possible solutions, which is the objective of this webinar.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
Sanitation Technologies in Indigenous Communities

April 8th 2021

Recognising the importance of sanitation in the context of Indigenous communities, the objective of this webinar is to present concrete experiences of technologies used in sanitation in Indigenous communities.

On the one hand, Amigos de Sian Ka'an will tell us about the eco-technologies they have been implementing in Quintana Roo; what has worked and what they have learned. On the other hand, MOPAWI will share insights to Indigenous sanitation solutions in La Mosquitia.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
Constructed Wetlands (Biofilters) for Wastewater Treatment

April 14th 2021

Artificial wetlands, known as biofilters, have established themselves in the wastewater treatment industry as a viable alternative, offering high treatment efficiencies at low implementation, operation and maintenance costs.  

In this webinar, ACEPESA will share experiences in the application of biofilters in municipal, industrial and even agricultural wastewater treatment.

Discover the webinar materials!

Español English Español English
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Experience in Bolivia

April 20th 2021

Artificial wetlands, known as biofilters, have established themselves in the wastewater treatment industry as a viable alternative, offering high treatment efficiencies at low implementation, operation and maintenance costs.  

In this webinar, ACEPESA will share experiences in the application of biofilters in municipal, industrial and even agricultural wastewater treatment.

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Español English Español English
Integrated Water Management

April 27th 2021

This webinar will address proposals and solutions for Integrated Water Resources Management in Latin American and Caribbean countries, according to the perspective of experts in the field.

Eugenio Barrios O., international consultant with extensive experience in water resource management and environmental policies, will present a conceptual framework for an Integrated Water Resources Management model within the scope of the Cartagena Convention.

Oscar Avalos, hydrology expert and WWF consultant, will share solutions found in hydrological studies and watershed management plans in Guatemala.

Discover the webinar materials! 

Español English Español English
Credit Enhancement in the Water and Wastewater Sector

April 29th 2021

In general, most water utilities across the Wider Caribbean Region are challenged with obtaining the requisite funding and financial resources to adequately maintain and upgrade their infrastructure to provide the requisite service to their customers. The National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica is affected by such challenges, but encouraged to become innovative in creating an appropriate financial mechanism suitable for the organization to assist with financing such works.

With the support attained by the GEF CReW pilot project the NWC was able to establish a Credit Enhancement Facility, which had allowed the Commission to do good in rehabilitating and upgrading a number of its wastewater facilities.

Though not perfect, the initiative has been a good tool for the NWC and serves as another avenue in which the organization can establish suitable levels of sustainable financing to support aspects of its operational and development plans which surely will assist with providing the desired level of service to its customers. 

Discover the webinar materials! 

Español English Español English

Block 2

Reuse of Treated Domestic Effluents

August and September 2021

Wastewater: A global challenge that requires local solutions

August 26, 2021

Pollution of water bodies has become a global problem. This session presents the state of the art in wastewater treatment and the need to rethink the way wastewater is treated and disposed of so that it can be transformed from a problematic waste to a recoverable and reusable resource.

Find the session materials here!
Presentation Video
How to start a wastewater reuse project? Technical aspects

September 2, 2021

There are different ways to treat wastewater. In this session, specific guidelines and technologies that facilitate water and nutrient recovery are presented. 

Find the session materials here!
Presentation Video
Governance in wastewater treatment and reuse: Management models and regulations

September 9, 2021

The sustainability of wastewater treatment and reuse services requires solid governance systems. This session will present different regional experiences in the implementation of management models and regulations.

Find the session materials here!
General T&T Assesment Study IADB Optimal Sanitation  Barbados wastewater Governace Video
Towards socio-economic and environmental sustainability of reuse: business models

September 16, 2021

The treatment and reuse of wastewater generates a series of costs, but also opportunities and benefits. This session presents financial models and tools for cost determination, quantification of benefits and different business models to ensure the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of the projects.

Find the session materials here!
Presentation Video
Case studies: Implementation of medium-scale reuse systems

September 23, 2021

We analyze different experiences in the field of collective treatment and reuse systems in agricultural and industrial applications at the urban level.

Find the session materials here!
Presentation Video

Case studies: Implementation of decentralized systems and rural communities

September 30, 2021

We present different experiences of small-scale decentralized treatment and reuse systems in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Find the session materials here!

National Water Reuse Policy In Barbados Nicaragua and Haiti cases Rastro municipal Nicaragua Video

Block 3

Methods to Develop the Blue Economy and the Good Use of Wastewater

April and May 2022

State of the Art and Future Prospects for Water Quality in the Wider Caribbean Region

Module 1 / April 21st 2022

State of the Art and Future Prospects for Water Quality in the Wider Caribbean Region: The Increasing Contamination of a Scarcer and More Vulnerable Resource.

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here  

The Green Decade: Transformative Change towards Watershed Regeneration and the Correct Use of Wastewater

Module 2 / April 28th 2022

The Green Decade: Transformative Change towards Watershed Regeneration and the Correct Use of Wastewater.

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here  

Wastewater and Flow Regime, Water for the Environment and Water Reserves

Module 3 / May 5th 2022

Wastewater and Flow Regime, Water for the Environment and Water Reserves.

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here 

Urban Vision of Water and guidelines for the promotion and implementation of Green and Blue Infrastructure for urban communities

Module 4 / May 12th 2022

Urban Vision of Water and guidelines for the promotion and implementation of Green and Blue Infrastructure for urban communities

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here  

Multi-stakeholder dialogue about financing the adequate management of wastewater within the basins

Module 5 / May 19th 2022

Multi-stakeholder dialogue about financing the adequate management of wastewater within the basins.

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here  

Innovative solutions to address the hazardousness of chemical and biological waste in the environment

Module 6 / May 26th 2022

Innovative solutions to address the hazardousness of chemical and biological waste in the environment.

This online training was conducted by the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Find the recording of the session here 

Other events

Where's the Remote Control? Regional Project Implementation in Pandemic Times

August 24, 2021

When conceptualizing the GEF CReW+ project, covid-19 was no more than a side newsitem. Months later, scoping missions to the Wider Caribbean Region for collecting baseline data had to be cancelled. The global pandemic brought travel restrictions and closed borders – with far-reaching consequences. How did we manage to start implementation?

Find here the session recording 

Regional Compendium of Sanitation Technologies

September 24th, 2021

In cooperation with the NGO BORDA Las Américas, a regional compendium on sanitation technologies is being developed, contextualized for the Wider Caribbean Region.

If you want to find out more, please contact

Find the session materials here!



How can we improve existing national and regional data platforms, trying to make data collection and processing, as well as reporting on the SDGs, in particular SDG 6, easy and reliable within the institutional context of partner countries?

December 02, 2021

The main objective for this event organized under the GEF CReW+ project by GIZ as one of the co-executing agencies is to exchange experiences and create awareness in authorities responsible for Water Resource Management (WRM) policies and implementing strategies on the need for improving the institutional capacities for the implementation of IWWM (IWRM + WASH + reuse) principles and policies. Besides the need to elaborate, discuss and approve coherent policy papers, there is also a need to strengthen the institutional setup and framework, public participation and accountability for the implementation process and to continuously revise the existing planning tools, strategies and instruments. Two main issues will be presented, analyzed and discussed in sessions over two days: Session

1) How we can improve the existing national and regional data platforms, trying to make data collection and processing as well as reporting on the SDG´s particularly SDG 6, easy and reliable within the institutional context in the partner countries?

Find the session materials here!



How can we contribute to improve institutional arrangements and coordination to enhance and promote synergies between reliable and accessible data platforms for stakeholders, planning and decision-making processes at different levels?

December 03, 2021

The main objective for this event organized under the GEF CReW+ project by GIZ as one of the co-executing agencies is to exchange experiences and create awareness in authorities responsible for Water Resource Management (WRM) policies and implementing strategies on the need for improving the institutional capacities for the implementation of IWWM (IWRM + WASH + reuse) principles and policies. Besides the need to elaborate, discuss and approve coherent policy papers, there is also a need to strengthen the institutional setup and framework, public participation and accountability for the implementation process and to continuously revise the existing planning tools, strategies and instruments. Two main issues will be presented, analyzed and discussed in sessions over two days:

Session 2) How we can contribute to improve the institutional arrangements and coordination in order to enhance and promote synergies between reliable stakeholder-accessible data platforms, planning processes and decision-making at all levels?

Find the session materials here!




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Implementing water and wastewater solutions for a clean and healthy Caribbean Sea.

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