General information
Guyana has several legal instruments for the management of water and wastewater. Among them, the Environmental Protection Act and the Water and Sewage Act are the most relevant instruments for wastewater, which are further supplemented by regulations as well as by national standards.
Several policies support water resource management. The National Integrated Water Resources Management Policy and Roadmap (2013) were prepared aiming to set out the framework for integrated water resource management.
For achieving and preserving water security, the primary goal is to modernize and optimize the water supply and management landscape particularly looking at the whole life cycle of water supply and improving operational efficiency. Sustainable water source management and optimization of production and distribution systems through the reduction of non-revenue water are major targets.
GEF CReW+ in Guyana
The proyect provides support for national activities in two components:
- Component 1: Institutional, policy, legislative and regulatory reforms for Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM).
- Component 3: Provision of innovative small-scale, local, rural, peri-urban and community-based solutions for IWWM.