
 General Information

The Government of Barbados has developed a National Water Reuse Policy (2018).  The Reuse Policy is supported by the Physical Development Plan and the Water Protection and Land Use Zoning Policy, which call for the treatment of all wastewater discharges. 

To support the National Water Reuse Policy, a deeper understanding of the role of Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM) and its importance is needed across the population. Additionally, considering the need to increase the treatment of wastewater discharges, it is important to identify ways to overcome the financial barriers that prevent or hinder public and private entities from installing, operating, and managing wastewater treatment systems.

GEF CReW+ in Barbados

The project provides support for national activities in two components:

  • Component 1: Institutional, policy, legislative and regulatory reforms for Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM). 
  • Component 2: Sustainable and tailor-made financing options for urban, peri-urban and rural IWWM.

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Implementing water and wastewater solutions for a clean and healthy Caribbean Sea.

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